Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Chapter 8 Establishing Cisco Secure ACS System Configuration
RDBMS Synchronization
The database containing the accountActions table must support a multi-threaded
ODBC driver. This is required to prevent problems in the event that
Cisco Secure ACS and the third-party system attempt to access the
accountActions table simultaneously.
Cisco Secure ACS includes files to help you create your accountActions table for
several common formats. You can find these files on the Cisco Secure ACS server
in the following location, assuming a default installation of Cisco Secure ACS:
C:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS vx.x\CSDBSync\Databases
The Databases directory contains the following subdirectories:
• Access—Contains the file CiscoSecure Transactions.mdb.
CiscoSecure Transactions.mdb contains a preconfigured accountActions
table. When you install Cisco Secure ACS, the installation routine creates a
system DSN named CiscoSecure DBSync. This system DSN configured to
communicate with
CiscoSecure Transactions.mdb.
Note By default, the username and password for the
CiscoSecure Transactions.mdb database are set to null. To increase
the security of RDBMS synchronizations performed using this
database, change the username and password, both in the
database and in Cisco Secure ACS. Any other
processes that access the
CiscoSecure Transactions.mdb database
should be changed to use the new username and password, too.
• CSV—Contains the files accountactions and schema.ini.
The accountactions file is the accountActions table in a comma-separated
value file. The schema.ini file provides the Microsoft ODBC text file driver
with the information it needs to access the accountactions file.
• Oracle 7—Contains the files accountActions.sql and testData.sql.
The accountActions.sql file contains the Oracle 7 SQL procedure needed to
generate an accountActions table. The testData.sql file contains Oracle 7
SQL procedures for updating the accountActions table with sample
transactions that CSDBSync can process.