Appendix E Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
User and AAA Client Import Option
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
For example, the following UPDATE statement causes CSUtil.exe to update the
account with username "John", assign it to Group 50, specify that John should be
authenticated by a UNIX-encrypted password, with a separate CHAP password
DELETE Statements
DELETE statements are optional. The DELETE token and its value are required
to delete a user account from Cisco Secure ACS. The DELETE token, detailed in
Table E-4, is the only token in a DELETE statement.
For example, the following DELETE statement causes CSUtil.exe to permanently
remove the account with username "John" from the CiscoSecure user database:
ADD_NAS Statements
ADD_NAS statements are optional. The ADD_NAS, IP, KEY, and VENDOR
tokens and their values are required to add a AAA client definition to
Cisco Secure ACS. The valid tokens for ADD_NAS statements are listed in
Table E-5.
Table E-4 UPDATE Statement Tokens
Token Required Value Required Description
DELETE Yes username The name of the user account that is
to be deleted.
Table E-5 ADD_NAS Statement Tokens
Token Required Value Required Description
ADD_NAS Yes AAA client name The name of the AAA client that is to be added.
IP Yes IP address The IP address of the AAA client being added.
KEY Yes shared secret The shared secret for the AAA client.