Appendix E Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
Location of CSUtil.exe and Related Files
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
• User and AAA Client Import Option, page E-13
• Exporting User List to a Text File, page E-23
• Exporting Group Information to a Text File, page E-24
• Exporting Registry Information to a Text File, page E-25
• Decoding Error Numbers, page E-25
• Recalculating CRC Values, page E-26
• User-Defined RADIUS Vendors and VSA Sets, page E-27
Location of CSUtil.exe and Related Files
When you install Cisco Secure ACS in the default location, CSUtil.exe is located
in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS vX.X\Utils
where X.X is the version of your Cisco Secure ACS software. Regardless of
where you install Cisco Secure ACS, CSUtil.exe is located in the
Utils directory.
Files generated by or accessed by
CSUtil.exe are also located in the Utils
CSUtil.exe Syntax
The syntax for the CSUtil.exe command is as follows:
CSUtil.exe [-q] [-c] [-d] [-g] [-i filename] [[-p] -l filename] [-e
-number] [-b filename] [-r filename] [-f] [-n] [-u] [-y] [-listUDV]
[-addUDV slotfilename] [-delUDV slot]
Note Most CSUtil.exe options require that you stop the CSAuth service. While the
CSAuth service is stopped, Cisco Secure ACS does not authenticate users. To
determine if an option requires that you stop CSAuth, see the “CSUtil.exe
Options” section on page E-3.