Chapter 5 Setting Up and Managing Shared Profile Components
Network Access Restrictions
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
d. To specify the information that this NAR should filter on, fill in the following
boxes, as applicable:
Tip You can type an asterisk (*) as a wild card to specify “all” either as a value or
within a range.
• Port—Type the number of the port to filter on.
• CLI—Type the CLI number to filter on. You can also use this box to
restrict access based on values other than CLIs, such as an IP address or
MAC address; for information, see the “About Network Access
Restrictions” section on page 5-6.
• DNIS—Type the number being dialed into to filter on.
e. Click enter.
Result: The information specifying the NAR line item appears in the table.
f. To enter additional non-IP based NAR line items, repeat Steps C through E.
Step 8 When you are finished defining the shared NAR, click Submit.
Result: Cisco Secure ACS saves the named shared NAR and lists it in the Network
Access Restriction Sets table.
Editing a Shared Network Access Restriction
To edit a shared network access restriction, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click Shared Profile Components.
Result: The Shared Profile Components page appears.
Step 2 Click Network Access Restrictions.
Result: The Network Access Restrictions table appears.
Step 3 In the Name column, click the shared NAR you want to edit.
Result: The Network Access Restriction page appears with information displayed
for the selected filter.