General DNA Manage Tables
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 63
4.2 Finding Text in a Table
Sheer DNA Manage enables the user to search for information in the
Workspace by entering the search criteria, for example, by entering a partial
user name.
Note: The tools displayed in the table are a generic component of Sheer
DNA applications.
To find text in a table
1. In the table toolbar, in the Find field enter the search criteria.
2. Press Enter. The row matching the search criteria is highlighted in the
Note: Click F3 to continue searching the table.
4.3 Filtering Information
Sheer DNA Manage enables the user to define a filter for the data displayed
in the Workspace according to a selected column. For example, in the Users
branch information can be filtered according to user name.
To define a filter
1. In the table toolbar, click Filter . An example of the Filter dialog box
with defined field and operator criteria displayed.