Cisco Active Network Abstraction Administrator’s Guide, 3.5
Page 16 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Sheer DNA Manage enables the user to manage and maintain information in
the Sheer DNA using the following branches in the Sheer DNA Manage
• DNA Servers: Enables the administrator to manage information relating
to the Sheer DNA Gateway, and Sheer DNA Units, including the AVMs
and the VNEs in the Sheer DNA. This includes viewing a list of Sheer
DNA Units, adding, editing and removing AVMs and VNEs, viewing
VNE and AVM properties, starting and stopping AVMs and VNEs, and
moving VNEs to maintenance mode. The DNA Servers branch includes
the DNA Gateway and AVM sub-branches. For more information about
the DNA Servers branch, refer to page 20.
• Global Settings: The Global Settings branch includes the Client
Licenses, DB segments, Message of the Day, Polling Groups and
Protection Groups sub-branches. The Global Settings branch enables the
administrator to:
• Install and manage Sheer DNA Client licenses.
• Enables the administrator to view a table describing the storage
allocated for all the database segments. For more information about
the DB Segments branch, refer to page 37.
• Manage the service disclaimer (message of the day). For more
information about the Service Disclaimer Message of the Day, refer
to page 113.
• Manage the polling groups to be used by a group of devices. The
administrator can define a few polling groups, and the devices will
then be polled according to the polling group. Every polling group
has a different set of polling intervals. For more information about the
Polling Groups branch, refer to page 114.
• Manage and change the default setup of the Sheer DNA Units by
customizing protection groups (clusters) and then assigning Sheer
DNA Units to these protection groups. For more information about
the Protection Groups branch, refer to page 121.
For more information about the Global Settings branch, refer to page 33.
• Scopes: Enables the administrator to group a collection of managed
Network Elements together in order to enable the user to view and/or
manage the Network Elements based on the user’s role. For more
information about the Scopes branch, refer to page 44.
• Topology: Enables the administrator to manage topology-related
parameters, namely, the static links between the devices. For more
information about the Topology branch, refer to page 47.