About This Guide
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page xi
About This Guide
This Administrator’s Guide describes the structure and features of the
Sheer™ Dynamic Network Abstraction (DNA) system. Sheer DNA Manage
is the GUI client application designed to simplify and facilitate Sheer DNA
administration. Sheer DNA Manage enables the System Administrator to
configure and control the DNA system. Sheer DNA Manage interacts with
the Sheer DNA Registry (“Golden Source”) to query and modify
configuration information. This guide is intended for use by trained System
It includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Introducing Sheer DNA, page 1, describes the Sheer™ DNA
platform and architecture. In addition, it provides a brief explanation of the
terms used throughout this guide.
Chapter 2, Getting Started with Sheer DNA Manage, page 13, describes
the Sheer DNA Manage working environment and how to open and operate
the Sheer DNA Manage application.
Chapter 3, Deploying Sheer DNA, page 57, describes the steps that must be
performed to deploy the Sheer DNA.
Chapter 4, General DNA Manage Tables, page 61, describes how to
perform general Sheer DNA Manage functions when working with tables.
Chapter 5, Managing Sheer DNA Units, page 69, describes how to manage
Sheer DNA Units. This includes adding and removing Sheer DNA Units.
Chapter 6, Managing AVMs and VNEs, page 79, describes how to define
and manage AVMs and VNEs.
Chapter 7,
Managing Global Settings, page 107, describes how to define
and manage the Sheer DNA Manage global settings, including client licenses,
DNA database segments, customizing a message of the day (service
disclaimer), polling groups, and protection groups.
Chapter 8,
Managing Links, page 127, describes how to add and remove a
topological link between two ports of two Network Elements in the network.
Chapter 9, Managing Workflows, page 133, briefly describes the Workflow
Engine branch in the Sheer DNA Manage application.