Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 55
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Installing Voicemail Pro: Centralized Voicemail Pro
2.5.3 Backup Voicemail Server Operation
For IP Office Release 6.0, the central IP Office hosting the Voicemail Pro server can be configured with the IP address of a
backup voicemail server. If the central voicemail server becomes unavailable to the network, the backup server will be
used to provide voicemail services. This option requires the voicemail servers to be running Voicemail Pro 6.0 or higher.
Centralized voicemail with a backup server during normal operation.
During Normal Operation:
· Voicemail services and message
storage for the IP Offices is provided
by the primary voicemail server.
· Call flows and other settings configured
on the backup voicemail server are
synchronized with those of the central
voicemail server.
· Messages are synchronized but the
central voicemail server remains the
message store accessed for message
· The synchronization is done using IIS
SMTP email between the servers.
Centralized voicemail with a backup server during backup operation.
During Backup Operation:
If the central voicemail server become
unavailable to the network:
· The backup voicemail server provides
voicemail services for the IP Offices.
· New messages are left on the backup
After Backup Operation
· When the central voicemail server is
restored, it does not automatically
resume control. However messages
and changes that occurred while it was
unavailable are synchronized from the
backup server.
· If the backup server fails, the central
sever resumes control as the active
Configuring Backup Server Operation
The Voicemail Pro server software is installed as normal on the backup server PC. The voicemail server is not
specifically configured as being a backup server.
The central IP Office hosting the primary voicemail server is configured with the IP addresses of both the primary
voicemail server and the backup voicemail server.
The other IP Offices are configured for centralized or distributed voicemail as normal.