Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 52
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
2.5 Centralized Voicemail Pro
A Small Community Network (SCN) consists of several IP Office telephone systems. These are connected using H323
Lines where the Supplementary Services settings of the lines has been set to IP Office SCN. For details refer to the IP
Office Manager documentation.
Within a Small Community Network, the following options for providing voicemail are supported:
· Centralized Voicemail
Centralized Voicemail Pro uses a single Voicemail Pro server
to provide voicemail services for all IP Offices in the Small
Community Network. Except for use of ContactStore, only
the central IP Office hosting the voicemail server requires
licensing for Voicemail Pro operation and features.
· Licenses: The central IP Office is licensed as normal for
Voicemail Pro operation and the voicemail features
required. The other IP Offices only require licenses for
UMS and or for ContactStore if required.
· Centralized Voicemail with Fallback IP Office
Control of the voicemail server can be assumed by another
IP Office if the central IP Office becomes unavailable.
· IP Office Release 5.0+ with Voicemail Pro 5.0+.
· Licenses: The fallback IP Office that assumes control of
the voicemail server requires licenses for Voicemail Pro
operation and the features required during fallback.
· Centralized Voicemail with a Backup Voicemail Server
The central IP Office hosting the voicemail server can be
configured with the IP address of a backup voicemail server.
During normal operation, call flows and other settings on the
backup server are kept synchronized with those of the
primary voicemail server. If the primary voicemail server
becomes unavailable to the network, voicemail services are
provided by the backup voicemail server.
· IP Office Release 6.0+ with Voicemail Pro 6.0+. IIS
SMTP is used to exchange information between the
· Licenses: The existing licenses are used.
· Centralized Voicemail with Distributed Voicemail
Other IP Offices in the Small Community Network can host
their own Voicemail Pro server. That server is then used for
the IP Office's voicemail functions except message storage.
· IP Office Release 6.0+ with Voicemail Pro 6.0+. IIS
SMTP is used to exchange information between the
· The distributed voicemail server provides all voicemail
services except voicemail collection for its associated IP
· Licenses: Each IP Office using a distributed voicemail
server must have licenses for Voicemail Pro operation
and the voicemail features required.
In all the cases above, the central voicemail server remains the store for messages and recordings (except for Exchange
UMS users). The central voicemail server does message waiting indication and is the voicemail server used for message
collection. Only when the central server is temporarily unavailable will the backup or any distributed server do message
storage and collection. In those scenarios, when the central server is restored, messages collected by the backup or
distributed servers are forwarded to the central server.
Combinations of the solutions above can be deployed. For example using a backup server and fallback IP Office