Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 244
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
4.9.2 Set User Variable
The Set User Variable action sets a user variable to a particular value. Other call flows can then use Test User
Variable actions to check whether the variable has a particular value.
The variable must first be created using the User Defined Variable menu or User Variables panel. For an
example of the action in a call flow, see User Defined Variables .
Click the Conditions Actions icon and select Set User Variable.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
Select the Specific tab. Complete the fields with relevant details.
· Assign the following user variable
The name for the existing user variable. The variable must first be created using the User Defined Variable
menu or User Variables panel.
· With the following value
The value of the variable. Type the required value directly or use the browse button to select the text that
should be used including using a the value of a call variable .
This action has the following result which can be to a further action:
· Next
We strongly recommend that this action is connected to another action (if necessary just a
Disconnect action), whose entry prompt confirms to the caller that the value has been
set. In some situations, such as where the Set User Variable action is accessed by the
user dialing a short code, if the user hangs-up too quickly the variable may not actually be
set. Having a following action with a confirmation message encourages users not to hang
up too quickly.
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