Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 209
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Actions: Mailbox Actions
4.5.4 Voice Question
The Voice Question action allows you to create a play list where the caller hears a sequence of prompts and their
responses are recorded.
If the play list is completed, a single file containing the recorded responses is created. That file can then be placed into a
specified mailbox or passed to an eMail action.
Click the Mailbox Actions icon and select Voice Question.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
In the Specific tab questions need to be added to the play list.
Click Add a Prompt. The Wave Editor window opens. Specify a new file name and then record the new
prompt or select an existing prompt.
Click Record a Response. Specify a name and a length in seconds for the recorded response. Click OK.
Repeat the above steps to create a series of questions and responses. Use the following controls to adjust the list.
· Edit: - Edit the settings of the currently highlighted item.
· Delete: - Deletes the currently highlighted item from the play list. This does not delete the actual prompt
· Shuffle: - Move the currently highlighted item within the play list.
Specify a mailbox into which the recorded file of the responses should be stored. If no mailbox is specified the file
can be passed to an eMail action .
This action has the following result which can be connected to a further action:
· Next
Connect the action to a following action within the call flow. The Next result can be
connected to an eMail action if no mailbox is selected in the Specific tab.
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