
Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 129
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Using the Voicemail Pro Client: Using the Navigation and Details Panes
· Server Queues
· Alarms
Click on this icon will display a list of outgoing alarm calls that the voicemail server is current scheduled to
make. The list can be used to edit, delete and add alarms.
· Outcalls
Clicking on this icon will display a list of calls (other than alarms) that the voicemail server is currently
scheduled to make. These are typically calls to inform users of new messages in their mailbox. The list can be
used to edit the call settings.
· User Variables
User variable are values stored by the voicemail server which can be written to and read by actions within call
flows. Clicking on the icon will display a list of the user variables and their current values. The list can be used
to manually change the value of a variable.