Troubleshooting Vectors
D-12 Issue 4 September 1995
Tracking Unexpected Vector Events
If you have an SAT terminal, you can display unexpected vector events. A vector
event is an error that results from resource exhaustion or from faulty vector
programming, rather than from a DEFINITY software error. For example, failures
involving the
command are usually due to an invalid extension entered
by the user.
By displaying vector events, you can do the following:
■ Diagnose and correct each Call Vectoring problem, as indicated by its
corresponding vector event, and thereby
■ Eliminate the need for a technician to make on-site visits to do the same.
The following sections explain how you can troubleshoot by tracking unexpected
vector events.
Display Events Form
The first step is to initiate the display of vector events. You do this by entering the
display events
command at the
enter command
Once the command is entered, the
Display Events Form
appears on the screen.
The form appears as follows:
Figure D-1. Layout of Display Events Form
The following list indicates the options on the form, comments on these options,
and also discusses the field(s) within each option.
■ EVENT CATEGORY. This option is intended to indicate the class of
logged events to be displayed. For our purposes, the default value
automatically appears in this display-only
field. The value
indicates that only vector events will be displayed.
display events Page 1 of 1 SPE B
The following option control which events will be displayed.
Category: Vector
Interval: _a_ From: __/__/__:__ To: __/__/__:__
Vector Number: ___
Event Type: ____