
Issue 4 September 1995 iii
Table of Contents i
1 About This Document 1-1
Feature Availability 1-1
What is Call Vectoring? 1-1
What is Expert Agent Selection (EAS)? 1-4
Call Vectoring Features 1-5
Contents and Organization of the Guide 1-6
Intended Audience and Use of the Guide 1-6
References 1-7
2 Tutorial 2-1
Introduction 2-1
Entering the Vector On-Line 2-1
Procedures for Basic Screen Administration 2-2
Enhanced Vector Editing (G3V4 and later
releases) 2-5
Constructing a Vector: One Approach 2-5
Phase 1: Queuing a Call to the Main Split 2-6
Phase 2: Providing Feedback and Delay
Announcement 2-7
Phase 3: Repeating Delay Announcement and
Feedback 2-9
Phase 4: Queuing a Call to a Backup Split 2-10
Phase 5: Checking the Queue Capacity 2-11
Phase 6: Checking for Non-Business Hours 2-13
Benefits of Call Vectoring 2-15