Criteria for Success/Failure of Call Vectoring
Issue 4 September 1995
check-backup split
Fails if any of the following are true:
■ Vector conditional is false.
■ Split’s queue is full.
■ Split is not vector-controlled.
■ Call is already queued at the specified
priority to the specified split.
■ Call is already queued to three
different splits.
Continue vector
processing with the
next sequential step.
Succeeds, and the call is terminated to an
Exit vector
processing, and
pass control to call
Succeeds, and the call is queued or
requeued in the specified split at the
specified priority.
Continue vector
processing with the
next sequential step.
collect digits
Fails if any of the following are true:
■ Call originates from an outside caller
who is not using a touch-tone
Call Prompting timer
takes effect,
command times out,
and vector
continues at the next
vector step.
■ No TTR is in the system, or the TTR
queue is full.
Continue vector
processing at the
next step.
■ Caller enters fewer digits than the
maximum specified.
Call Prompting timer
takes effect,
command is
terminated, and any
digits collected prior
to the timeout are
available for
Otherwise, succeeds. Continue vector
processing at the
next step.
Table A-11. Call Vectoring Command Success/Failure Criteria
Command Success/Failure Criteria
Vector Processing