Functions and Examples
Issue 4 September 1995
Given this scenario, the following table illustrates how Calls A, B, and C are
distributed via UCD and EAD:
Table 10-13. Example of Call Distribution via UCD/EAD
UCD or
EAD? Result Reason
9:04 UCD Jill receives
Call A.
Jill is the most idle agent for skill 47.
EAD Jack receives
Call A.
Jack is the ‘‘more expert’’ agent
because he has skill 47 as a primary
skill whereas Jill has skill 47 as a
secondary skill.
9:06 UCD Jill receives
Call B.
Jill is the only agent logged into skill
EAD Jill receives
Call B.
Jill is the only agent with Primary skill
9:08 UCD Jill receives
Call C.
Jill is the most idle agent for skill 22.
She receives Call C even if she
handled Call A.
EAD Jill receives
Call C.
Both Jill and Jack have Primary skill
22, but Jill has been logged in two
minutes longer than Jack (that is, she
is the most idle agent).