
Sample BLF Softkey Settings
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 D-2
Sample BLF Softkey Settings
Asterisk/sipXecs BLF
The following are sample softkey and programmable key configurations to enable Asterisk/sipXecs BLF support on Aastra
IP phones.
Softkey Configuration Parameters for Asterisk/sipXecs BLF
softkey1 type: blf
softkey1 value: 9995551212
softkey1 label: John
softkey1 line: 1
Programmable Key Configuration Parameters for Asterisk/sipXecs BLF
prgkey1 type: blf
prgkey1 value: 9995551212
prgkey1 label: John
prgkey1 line: 1
prgkey7 type: blf
prgkey7 value: 9995551313
prgkey7 label: Jane
prgkey7 line: 1