Operational, Basic, and Advanced Parameters
41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014 A-12
DHCP Option Settings
Option 12
Option 77
Option 120
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the hostname DHCP Option 12 that the phone sends with the DHCP Request
If you change this parameter, you must restart your phone for the change to take affect.
Format String
Default Value [<model><MAC IP Address>]
Range Up to 64 alpha-numeric characters
The value for this parameter can also be a fully qualified domain name.
Example hostname: aastra4
dhcp userclass
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the User Class DHCP Option 77 that the phone sends to the configuration server
with the DHCP Request packet.
If you specify a value for this parameter, you must restart your phone for the change to take
affect. Any change in its value during start-up results in an automatic reboot.
Format String
Default Value ““
Range Up to 64 alpha-numeric characters
Example dhcp userclass: admin
Parameter –
use dhcp option 120
Configuration Files
aastra.cfg, <model>.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Enables support for DHCP Option 120 on the IP phones. DHCP Option 120 allows SIP clients
to locate a local SIP server (i.e. outbound proxy server) that can be used for all outbound SIP
Format Boolean
Default Value 0 (disabled)
Range 0-1
0 (disabled)
1 (enabled)
Example use dhcp option 120: 1