Configuring the Serial Interface 109
Data Rate—The data rate supported by the port: 48K, 97K, 195K, 390K, 781K,
1.5M, 3.1M, or 6.2M. This parameter applies only when the attached cable is DCE
type cable. It is a very important parameter, as it allows you to direct the SIM to
shape particular data applications so as not to exceed the guaranteed bandwidth
established by your service provider in your service contract. The Data Rate setting
also allows you to optimize the entire WAN ATM application by traffic engineering
your ATM access applications so as to maintain traffic flow across the network.
Min. Flag Bytes—The minimum number of flag bytes required to distinguish a
frame: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14.
FCS Size—The number of bytes to use for FCS (Frame Check Sequence)
calculation for each frame. FCS is the CRC remainder sent at the end of a frame.
This parameter is valid only for HDLC/SDLC data.
Admin. Status—Administrative status: Out of Service or In Service.
6 Select [8] Previous Menu to return to the SIM Port Configuration Port/LMI
Selection menu, shown earlier in Figure 77.
7 If desired, selected [2] LMI Configuration to display the SIM LMI Configuration
menu, shown in Figure 79. This menu allows you to set the protocol for the local
management interface.
You can set the LMI protocol only if the Link Type is set to Frame Relay on the SIM
Port Configuration menu. If the Link Type is set to DXI or SDLC, the LMI
Configuration option does not appear on the SIM Port Configuration Port/LMI
selection menu, shown earlier in Figure 76.
Figure 79 SIM LMI Configuration Menu
8 Select [1] Set Protocol. The following prompt appears at the bottom of the screen:
(1 = none, 2 = q.933a, 3 = t1.617d)
9 Enter the number corresponding to the desired protocol or 1 for no LMI.