If tower purchased is one fan cell only, ignore steps 4 through 8.
5. If collection basins are to be equalized by the use of Marley standard
umes, unbolt the coverplate from the basin of the cell just installed. The
coverplate is located in the collection basin depressed section end.
6. Unbolt temporary coverplate from the basin of the second cell and set
the bottom module of the second cell in place. Align anchor bolt holes
and ume openings in basin sides.
7. Install ume according to “MD Field Installation Manual”.
It is important that the cells be rmly anchored before the ume is
attached to the 2nd cell.
8. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the second top section.
9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for any remaining cells.
10. Attach your cold water supply piping to the cold water basin outlet con-
nection in accordance with drawing instructions. Use gaskets where
Do not support your pipe from the tower or outlet connection—support
it externally.
Normally, one of the following three outlet arrangements is provided:
Side or End suction connection: This is a factory-installed, galva-
nized pipe nipple, extending horizontally from the side or end of the
cold water basin. It is both beveled for welding—and grooved for a
mechanical coupling. If a weld connection is used, it is recommended
that the weld area be protected against corrosion. Cold galvanizing is
suggested, applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Bottom outlet connection: This is a factory-installed, circular open-
ing in the cold water basin oor of one or more cells. An appropriately
sized circular opening has been drilled to 125# ANSI B16.1 at-face
ange specications. A full faced gasket and appropriately sized bolts
(by others) must be used for proper outlet function.
Side outlet sump connection: For shipping purposes, sumps are at-
tached upside down in the basin to prevent damage. Sumps are to be