0.5 in. WC from the reading recorded on the
start-up checklist.
. The desired combustion CO2 is between 8.5%
and 9.0% for natural gas and 9.0% and 9.5% for
ropane with CO less than 150 ppm. Combustion
should be checked at high and low fire (Max. and
Min. fan speed) by using the service mode. Enter
the service mode by pressing the UP arrow key
and ENTER/MENU key simultaneously for 1 sec-
ond. Set the fan speed using the UP and DOWN
arrow keys.
Manifold Check
1. Check manifold gas pressure at the manifold pres-
sure tap (connection “D” in Fig. 35). This pressure
should read per the values in Table S for natural
and propane gas.
2. If the pressure reading differs by more than ± 0.2
in. WC, STOP – Call the factory for directions
on what to do next!
Safety Inspection
1. Check all thermostats and high limit settings.
2. During the following safety checks leave manome-
ters hooked up, check and record.
3. If other gas-fired appliances in the room are on the
same gas main, check all pressures on the XFyre
with all other equipment running.
4. Check thermostats for ON-OFF operation.
5. Check high limits for ON-OFF operation.
6. While in operation, check flow switch operation.
7. Check the low gas pressure switch (if provided).
(For proper adjustment, use the attached
manometers, if available, to set pressure. The
scales on the switch are approximate only.) Low
gas pressure switch (if provided) must be set at
3.0 in. WC for natural gas and propane gas.
8. Make sure that the high gas pressure switch (op-
tional) is set to 3.0 in. WC for both natural gas and
propane gas.
Safety checks must be recorded as performed.
Turn boiler on. After main burner ignition:
1. Check manometer for proper readings.
Specifically note the change in air intake pressure.
Replace the filter if necessary. (Refer to Table Q.)
2. Cycle unit several times and re-check readings.
3. Remove all manometers and replace caps and
4. Check for gas leaks one more time.
CAUTION: Special manifold and air settings may
be required.
Air Pressure
Setting (in. WC)
300 -0.1 ± 0.2 in. WC
500 -0.2 ± 0.2 in. WC
850 -0.3 ± 0.2 in. WC
Table Q: XFyre Intake Air Pressure Settings (High Fire)
Model High Fire Ignition Low Fire
300 5000 3000 1500
500 7600 3000 1750
850 5500 3000 1500
Table R: XFyre Fan Speed Settings
Table S: XFyre Manifold Pressure Settings
1. Record all data on the “Start-up Checklist” located
t the back of this manual.
. Disconnect the manometers and reconnect the
cap on the air intake and reinsert or close the seal-
ing screws into the bleedle valves.
3. Start-up is complete and the boiler should be oper-
ating properly.
Manifold Pressure (in. WC)
Natural Gas Propane Gas
High Low High Low
300 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.1
500 -0.3 -0.1 -0.3 -0.1
850 -3.2 -0.2 -2.7 -0.1
NOTE: Manifold pressures should be ±0.3 in. WC.