Spline Connection
Depending on the load requirements and
application, Premier Panels are joined together
in one of three fashions: Premier spline (Type
‘S’ panel), lumber spline (double 2x or 3x, Type
‘L’ panel) or engineered I-joists (Type ‘l’ panel).
Premier splines – This is the most common
connection between Premier Panels. Splines
should be cut flush or slightly short (about
1/16”) of the foam in the panel ends. Parallel
3/16” beads of Premier Mastic are placed
approximately 1/4” from each of the spline
edges and along the foam-to-foam edges.
Premier Mastic is used on all wood-to-wood,
wood-to-foam, and foam-to-foam interfaces.
Once panels are in place, the splines are nailed
with 8d nails 6” o.c. or according to your shop
drawing nail pattern.