Push or pull all wires through a chase
simultaneously. With an electrician’s pliers
fold and crimp the longest wire back on itself
about 1”. Wrap electrical tape around that end.
Stagger remaining wires flat side to flat side
and tape these to the long wire below the crimp.
Have 8”–10” of straight wire to slide into the
electrical chase holes.
As a general rule, don’t try to go horizontal
between outlets or switches in the panels
unless the distance is short and you have no
other options. Use the vertical chases to run
the wire back into the floor or roof cavities. Run
the wires horizontally in these areas to access
the vertical chases in the panels.
To gain access to chase intersections, use a 4”
to 4 1/8” hole saw. Use a flat blade screw
driver and pry out the plug. Nail the plug to the
wall for reinstallation.
After pulling your
wires, secure the plug
with Premier Mastic or
expanding foam.
Where walls terminate
against a panel
you can drill (at the
horizontal electrical
chase height) a long diagonal hole through the
face of the stud diagonally into the electrical
chase. Electrical wires will stuff easily into this
type of access.