To Set the Fabric in the Embroidery Hoop
Mark the reference lines _ on the right side of the fabric
where you wish to sew the design as illustrated using
tailor's chalk.
Reference lines
Place the template on the fabric by matching the
reference lines on the template to the reference lines you
previously marked on the fabric.
Tape the template _ to the fabric as shown to hold the
template in place. (Transparent tape is recommended.)
<_ Tape
Place the fabric with the template attached to it over the
outer hoop _ and push the inner hoop (_ into the outer
hoop _.
• Push the flat side of the inner hoop (_ into the flat side
of the outer hoop _.
• While squeezing the knob _ together, push the round
part of the inner hoop into the round part of the outer
hoop so the material is secure.
(_ Inner hoop
Outer hoop
Arrow mark
Attaching lever
@ Marks (8 spots)
@ Sewing area
Remove the template by putting your finger in the thumb
hole @ located on the template and lift up.
The hole for removing the template