5.1 Level Controls
Float switches, pressurized storage switches or other level controls should be wired into
the control circuit line prior to the switch on the unit. The following ensures that the inlet
valve, instruments, and pump are not powered when storage tanks are full: float switch
assembly with cord, counterweight, and plastic float (used with an atmospheric storage
5.2 Filters and
Water Softeners
Backwashable filters and softeners should be installed such that unfiltered or unsoftened
water will not be fed to the machine while the RO unit is operating. Failure to do this may
cause fouling or precipitation of calcium carbonate or other materials onto the membrane
5.3 S
torage Tanks
Fiberglass, polyethylene, and stainless steel storage tanks are available. All tanks are
available with fittings installed at the factory. These tanks must be installed with even sup-
port along the bottom.