Warning Buzzer Produces slow on/off pulsing sound for fire alarms, steady sound for emergency
alarms, and rapid on/off pulsing sound for supervisory and trouble conditions.
Silence/Reset Button Press to silence the built-in warning buzzer, the remote keypad warning buzzer and
the external alarm sounder. A second press resets faulted smoke detectors and
resets LED indicators if associated fault conditions have been corrected.
Main Dialer Line Seize Lights when control is transmitting a message to the central station on the main
phone line.
Backup Dialer LIne Seize Lights when control is transmitting a message to the central station on the backup
phone line.
General The keypads feature a telephone style (digital) keypad and a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
which shows the nature and location of all occurrences.
The keypads feature a built-in sounder which emits the same alarm sounds as the
control's built-in warning buzzer during alarm conditions.
The keypad's display screen displays the same indications as the control's built-in LED
indicators, and in addition, displays the zone number of faulted zones as well as the type
of fault (i.e. alarm, supervisory or trouble) present. The telephone style keypad keys allow
entry of commands for silencing the warning sounds, resetting faulted smoke detectors,
activating various system tests, etc.