Dometic 3000 Series Indoor Furnishings User Manual

All boats with fixed toilets in U.S. waters and in the waters of some other countries are required to be equipped with an oper-
able marine sanitation device (MSD). The Magnum Opus vacuum sanitation system, when installed in a boat, is a holding tank
or Type III system as defined by the U.S. Coast Guard. Type III systems are designed to permit operation of the toilet without
the direct discharge of untreated waste after every flush. This means onboard toilet facilities can be used when the boat is near
swimmers, beaches or shellfish beds.
Type III systems can be discharged at marina dockside pump-out stations or, if in coastal waters, a minimum of three miles
offshore. Overboard discharge capability must remain secured while within the three-mile limit. The overboard discharge
pump is activated by a keyed switch located in the toilet compartment. This key should be removed at all times except when
discharge pump is operating.
Sewage from any source should not be discharged directly into our waters. If you are interested in learning more about this issue,
please contact Dometic at the phone number or address listed on the back page of this manual.
Your Magnum Opus toilet and sanitation system require the regular addition of a deodorant product to reduce mal-
odors and to help break down holding tank contents. Several factors should be considered in selecting a deodorant
Liquid or Dry: Liquid products obviously work more quickly by readily going into solution. Granulated powder
formulations, on the other hand, have the advantage of requiring less storage space and are less likely to leak if the
package is inadvertently damaged.
Formaldehyde versus Non-Formaldehyde: Dometic manufactures both types of deodorants. Generally speak-
ing, formaldehyde formulas control odor very effectively at all temperatures and with all degrees of water hardness.
Environment-Friendly brand, which is formaldehyde free, is similarly effective.
How Much Deodorant and How to Add It: The deodorant is added directly into the toilet bowl, then flushed into
the holding tank. Follow bottle or package instructions. Conditions of extremely warm weather, longer waste hold-
ing time and larger tank capacities may require more deodorant treatment. Also, to maintain optimum efficiency in
odor control, the waste holding tank should be cleaned thoroughly at least once or more each season, depending
on use.
Why Not Use Household Toilet Paper in Your Magnum Opus Toilet? Household tissues often contain adhe-
sives which bond together the paper fibers from which the tissue is made. The adhesives prevent the tissue from
breaking apart, and their use in “ultra-low flow” systems can cause system clogging. SeaLand tissue is especially
designed for use in low water toilet systems. Its rapid dissolving properties minimize the amount of residual paper
in the holding tank and allow deodorizers to work more efficiently.
SeaLand versus Other Brands: SeaLand constantly strives to provide our system owners with effective products
that have minimal environmental impact and good value. Many deodorant products do not measure up to our stan-
dards of performance and value.
Six 2-oz. pouches
Part No.
Two 8-oz. bottles
Part No.
16-oz. bottle
Part No.
Deodorant -
Environment Friendly
32-oz. bottle
Part No.
Toilet Tissue
Four 400-sheet rolls
Part No. 379441204