
CS4 (2001-03) 1-3
1.2 How This Manual Is Organized
This manual is divided into sixteen chapters:
Preliminary Remarks
explains the structure of the manual itself and the used typographic styles and symbols. Safety
information is provided concerning the operation of systems from BARCO.
provides a summary of the system components and characteristics.
Design and Functions
provides a technical description of the equipment listing the fundamental characteristics and
functional principles. Knowledge of this section is not absolutely essential for operation.
Location and Functions of Control
describes the functions and explains the control panel terminology
describes the interfaces of ATLAS CS4
explains how ATLAS CS4 is operated via the Remote Control Unit and the local keypad
Start Up of the Adjustment Mode
explains how to use the menu controlled software of ATLAS CS4
Random Access Adjustment Mode
provides an overview of the commands of ATLAS CS4
Installation Mode
describes the possible configurations of ATLAS CS4
Service Mode
explains the commands which are available in Service Mode
Maintenance and Servicing
explains how the equipment can be serviced
Technical Data
provides tabular overviews about the technical details of ATLAS CS4.
Configuring Notes
provides the mounting dimensions and shows anthropotechnical requirements
lists possible errors together with steps to eliminate the respective fault.
Appendix A: Standard Source Set Up Files
lists all the available set up files for the various timings
Appendix B: Source Numbers 81-85 AND 91-96
explains the relationship between source input, source number and set up file
Chapters, pages, figures and tables are numbered separately. Chapters are indicated by a »point
syntax«, e. g.
, pages by a »dash syntax«, e. g.
, as figures and tables are, e. g.
Figure 5-4