3M GD-6 Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

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Macurco Technical Service at 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call 1-800-267-4414.
General Information
The 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector helps combustible gas detection and automatic exhaust fan control for
automotive maintenance facilities, enclosed parking garages, warehouses with forklifts, etc. The GD-6 can be used with 12VDC
or 24VDC N.O. (fire/security) panels.
A 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector is usually located in areas where there is potential for gas leaks; where
there are gas appliances, areas through which gas pipes pass, where batteries are being stored or charged, etc. DO NOT mount
the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector in a corner. DO NOT mount the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas
), mount the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector high
on a wall about one foot down from the ceiling. If the target gas is heavier than air; propane (LP), mount the 3M™ Macurco™
GD-6 Combustible Gas Detector on a wall or column one foot above the floor. Use the same spacing as for smoke detectors-30
Note: alcohols, ammonia, cleaning solvents, paint thinner; gasoline vapors and aerosol propellants (aerosol cans such as hair
spray usually contain a combustible gas) may cause alarms.
• ETLListedtoUL61010-1
• The3M™Macurco™GD-6CombustibleGasDetectorcanbebump-testedwiththeFTKwith10%LELMethane,
• The3M™Macurco™GD-6CombustibleGasDetectorcanbeeldcalibratedusing10%LELMethane,10%LEL
• The3M™Macurco™GD-6CombustibleGasDetectorisalowlevelmetercapableofdisplayingfrom0-50%LELEX
• Selectablefanandalarmrelayactivation
• 5ASPDTfanrelaycontrolsstartersofexhaustfans
• 0.5AN.O.orN.C.alarmrelayconnectstowarningdevicesorcontrolpanels
• 4-20mAcurrentloop
• The3M™Macurco™GD-6CombustibleGasDetectormountsonastandard4x4electricalboxandbecomescover
for the box
• Supervisedsystem:anyinternaldetectorproblemwillcausethefan&alarmrelaytoactivate
• Optionalcalibrationkitisavailable.Onescrewallowsaccessforcalibration
• Power:3W(max)from12to24VAC(VoltsAlternatingCurrent)or12to48VDC(VoltsDirectCurrent)
• Current@24VDC:75mAinalarm(tworelays),50mA(fanrelayonly)and23mAstandby
• ShippingWeight:1pound(0.45kg)
• Size:41/2x4x21/8in.(11.4x10.2x5.4cm)
• Color:darkgray
• Connections:plugs/terminals
• Mountingbox:(notincluded)4x4electric
• Fanrelay:5A,240VAC,pilotduty,SPDT
• Fanrelayactuation:selectableat1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10(default),11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20%LEL
• FanDelaySettingsof0,1,3(default),5and10minutes
• FanMinimumRunTimesettingsareOFF(default),3,5,10or15minutes
• Alarmrelay:0.5A200V,10VA
• Alarmrelayactuation:selectableN.O.defaultorN.C.
• Alarmrelaysettings:OFF,5,10,15,20(default),25%LEL
• Currentloop,4-20mAfor0-50%LEL
• Operatingenviron:0°Fto125°F(-18°Cto52°C).10to90%RH
The following instructions are intended to serve as a guideline for the use of the 3M™ Macurco™ GD-6 Combustible
Gas Detector, Controller and Transducer. It is not to be considered all-inclusive, nor is it intended to replace the policy and
procedures for each facility.
This detector monitors for the presence and concentration level of certain specified airborne gases. Misuse may produce
an inaccurate reading, which means that higher levels of the gas being monitored may be present and could result in
overexposure and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor, User Instructions or call 3M in U.S.A.,
1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.