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Call Transfer Feature
Using the Speakerphone
TToo TTrraannssffeerr ffrroomm tthhee HHaannddsseett ttoo tthhee BBaassee
1) Press
/up/intcm on the handset. The caller is put on
hold and the intercom tone sounds on the base.
2) Press page/int’com on the base. The intercom mode is
activated, but the caller is still on hold.
3) To transfer the call to the base, press
/up/intcm on the
handset. To cancel the transfer, press page/int’com on
the base.
TToo TTrraannssffeerr ffrroomm tthhee BBaassee ttoo tthhee HHaannddsseett
1) Press page/int’com on the base. The caller is put on hold
and the intercom tone sounds on the handset.
2) Press
/up/intcm on the handset. The intercom mode is
activated, but the caller is still on hold.
3) To transfer the call to the handset, press page/int’com
on the base. To cancel the transfer, press
/up/intcm on
the handset.
You may use the phone as a speakerphone to answer calls by pressing line 1 on
the base. To hang up, press line 1 again.
The base microphone is located under the phone. Position yourself as near to
the base as possible and speak clearly.
If the handset is on the base, you may use either the base keypad or memory
dialing to place a call.
TRU3466 ENG 8/8/01 12:18 PM Page 25