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After installing the battery pack in the handset,
cchhaarrggee yyoouurr hhaannddsseett aatt lleeaasstt 1155--2200
hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg iinnttoo tthhee pphhoonnee lliinnee
. Once the handset battery pack is fully
charged, connect the telephone line cord to the base and telephone wall outlet.
5) Connect the telephone line cord to the TEL LINE 1-2 or
TEL LINE 2 jack and a telephone outlet once the handset is
fully charged.
DD.. CChhoooossee tthhee ddiiaalliinngg mmooddee
Most phone systems use tone dialing which sends DTMF tones through the phone
lines. However some phone systems still use pulse dialing such as in rural areas.
The default setting is tone dialing. Depending on your dialing system, set the
mode as follows:
1) Press and hold flash on the base until you hear a confirmation tone.
2) To set the dial mode for pulse dialing, press #.
Or to set the dial mode for tone dialing, press
tone. A confirmation tone
sounds to indicate the setting is complete.
• If you aren´t sure of your dialing system, make a trial call.
If the call connects, leave the setting as is; otherwise, set for pulse dialing.
• If your phone system requires pulse dialing and you need to send DTMF tones for
certain situations during a call, you may ”switch-over” to tone dialing. (Refer to
”Tone Dialing Switch-over” on page 16.)
If your telephone outlet isn´t
modular, contact your telephone
company for assistance.
For 2 line subscriptions,
• If the two phone lines
are in one modular
jack, connect using
TEL LINE 1-2 jack.
• If the two phone lines
are on two separate
modular jacks, connect
using both TEL LINE
1-2 and TEL LINE 2
• Make sure your battery
pack is fully charged
before choosing the
dial mode.
TRU3466 ENG 8/8/01 12:18 PM Page 10