BB.. IInnssttaallll tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk
CChhaarrggee tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk ffoorr aatt lleeaasstt 1155--2200 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree pplluuggggiinngg tthhee pphhoonnee lliinnee
iinnttoo yyoouurr pphhoonnee..
1) Press in on the battery cover release and slide the cover
down until it comes off.
2) Connect the battery pack connector observing correct
polarity (black and red wires) to the jack inside the
battery compartment.
Do not exert any force on this connection. It could
cause damage to the battery or handset. The plastic
connector will fit together only one way. Once you are
certain that you have made a good connection, then
insert the battery pack into the battery compartment.
Do not pinch the wires.
3) Securely close the battery compartment cover by sliding
it up until it snaps into place.
4) Place the handset in the base unit.
Use only the Uniden
Battery (BT-800)
supplied with your
phone. Replacement
batteries are also
available through
the Uniden Parts
Department (See
page 5).
TRU3466 ENG 8/8/01 12:18 PM Page 7