[ 24 ]
Using Your TRU3466 Intercom
PPaaggiinngg ffrroomm tthhee bbaassee ttoo hhaannddsseett
1) Press page/int’com on the base.
The handset beeps. (If no answer, press page/int’com
on the base again to disconnect.)
2) Press any key on the handset.
Speak into the mouthpiece to answer the page.
3) To turn off the intercom, press page/int’com on the base
/up/intcm on the handset.
PPaaggiinngg ffrroomm tthhee hhaannddsseett ttoo bbaassee
1) Press
/up/intcm on the handset. (If no answer, press
/up/intcm on the handset to disconnect.)
2) At the base, press page/int’com.
Speak into the base microphone to answer the page.
3) To turn off the intercom, press page/int’com at the base
/up/intcm on the handset.
TRU3466 ENG 8/8/01 12:18 PM Page 24