
[ 13 ]
BASICS [ 13]
Making and Receiving Calls
BBaassiicc 22--lliinnee ooppeerraattiioonn
For clarity, the instructions in this owner´s manual designates line 1 unless the
procedure requires using line 2. The same instructions apply to line 2.
• You must have a 2-line
subscription from your
phone company to use
the 2-line features.
• Refer to page 11
”Setting Caller ID
Options” to turn on
the AutoTalk feature
if desired.
To answer
a call
Pick up the handset (When
the AutoTalk is set to on)
or pick up the handset and
press line1.
1) Pick up the handset.
2) Press line1.
3) Listen for the dial tone.
4) Dial the number.
1) Press line1.
2) Listen for the dial tone.
3) Dial the number.
1) Press line 1.
2) Listen for the dial tone.
3) Dial the number.
Press line 1.
Press any key (When the
AutoTalk is set to on) or
press line1.
Press line 1 or line 2.
Press line1, or return the handset to the base
(Auto Standby).
HHaannddsseett OOnn BBaassee HHaannddsseett OOffff BBaassee BBaassee OOnnllyy
To make
a call
To hang up
Throughout this manual, terms such as Standby and Talk Mode are used. Below is
the terminology explanation.
SSttaannddbbyy MMooddee
- The handset is not in use, off the base and line 1 or line 2 has
not been pressed. A dial tone is not present.
TTaallkk MMooddee
- The handset is off the base and line 1 or line 2 has been pressed
enabling a dial tone.
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