Publication 1771-6.5.132 - June 2000
6-14 Creating and Running the Example Application Program
Testing the Example Program
1. After the download is complete, go online and put the PLC-5
processor in Run mode.
2. Press and release the START button on the RediSTATION. The red
light should turn on. On your screen, you should see rung 1 in
your ladder program being energized as you press the button.
3. Pass your hand back and forth over the photoeye several times. On
your screen you should see the counter incrementing.
4. Press and release the STOP button on the RediSTATION. The red
light should turn off. On your screen, you should see rung 2 in
your ladder program being energized as you press the button.
This completes the Data Highway Plus example.
What’s Next?
This concludes the example applications. The following chapter
describes how the diagnostic indicators on the 1771-SDN module can
be used for troubleshooting.