Several accessories are available that will enable you to
expand your home video system. You may also find
some of these items helpful when installing your VCR. A
few accessories are pictured here to briefly familiarize
you with the different types that are available. Although
RCA Part Numbers are listed for your convenience,
other accessory, brands are also compatible with your
RCA video system. Accessories are available through
most electronic supply stores and RCA video dealers.
Video Cameras and Camcorders
See your RCA dealer for complete details on the wide
selection of Color Video Cameras and Camcorders
(combination camera/recorder) that is available for
use with your new VCR.
Cable designed for use with VCR's. Video
Cameras. or an 5 other equipment requiring
?5-ohm "'F'-type inlerconneetmg cables
AH037 - 3-ft; AH008 - 9-ft;
AH007 - 6-ft; AH009 - 16-ft
3' general-purpose coaxial cable for use in
audio and video applications. It is fitted with
RCA phono-type connectors and is used with
VCR's, Monitors. and other related audio and
video equipment.
Provides quick-connect application of 75-ohm
"F"-type cable. Used with VCR's. Video
Cameras. TV receivers, and other electronic
A 5' shielded audio/video cable specifically
designed for video and audio use with video
cameras and VCR equipment.
Screw-on to push-on adapter, attaches to
end ofcoaxialcable with standard "F"
connector so you can simply push the
connector onto your TV or VCR antenna
cormector, Useful if you change connections
Used to interconnect two audio cables
equipped with phono-typ¢ male plugs.
"Sphcer" lets you connect one :oaxial cable
to another. Used for extending an antenna
lead-in or for operating your V,SR at a
grealer distance from the T'V
• -. Cleaner/Polisher
Anti-static cleaner/polisher that can be used on
any hard, shin),, non-absorbent surface such a.s
plastics, glass, rrm-rors, mad chromed pan'IS.
Cleans and polishes "IV screens _md plastic cabi-
nets Returns brilliance, repels dust, and resists
_02 lus is an economy two-posluon 7S-ohm coax-
ial switch which pc.dorms the same functions
II outhned for the AH041 swuch, shown belov.
This is a 2-position 75-ohm coaxial switch
(sometimes referred to as an A-B switch) used
for swdching a single signal source to two
separate output devices, such as a cable-TV
AH041 input to a TV set or VCR.
N_. AH050
Band Separators
Used to connect a single 75-ohm input
antenna line to separate 75-ohm VHF,
300-ohm UHF and/or 300-ohm FM receiver
Used to connect a single 300-ohm input
antenna line to separate 75-ohm VHF,
300-ohm UHF and/or 300-ohm FM receiver
Used to connect a single 75*ohm antenna
input Lineto separate 300-ohm inputs of"IV.
_ AH018
Used to match a 75-ohm signal source to a
300-ohm device, or a 300-ohm signal source
to a 75-ohm device. (Such as antenna lead-
ins to "IV receivers).
This transformer is specifically designed to
match a 300-ohm line to a 75-ohm "F"-type
input, h provides quick push-on connection
to an "F"-lype inpul jack.
Used as a spliuer to di,ade a signal from a
single 75-ohm source so that It may be fed to
two separate de'aces For example, a single
75-ohm antenna lead-in signal split to feed
two TV receivers When used as a combiner,
s_gnals from two sources axe led through two
inputs to a single output
The same as AH047 above except AH048
provades four outputs from a single input.
As a combiner, four signal inputs feed to a
single output.
4-set coupler lets you operate up to four
TV's and VCR's from one lead.in. (Use
AH025 terramators on unused outlets.) In
fnnge _reas use the AH046 distribution
_ AH025 terminator should be at:ached to
unused terminals of signal sphtters to
025 prevent smeanng the picture,
RCA non-abrasive wet system VHS VCR
head cleaner. Be sure to follow directions [
AVO0_: efuUy'