This page gives the basic steps for recording and
playback. You should practice them until you can do
them without referring to the manual. To save time, we
suggest you record for only two or three rmnutes.
The first drawing shows how to make a recording and
the second one shows how to play it back and turn off
the VCR, The operating notes at the bottom of the page
are keyed to the step numbers for quick reference if you
have a problem or need more information.
Making a Recording
tape speed.
Turn on TV, (_ Tune TV to VCR Channel (3 or 4),
///_ _ect Channel
Press STOP L_) Insert Cassette. Cassette-in indicator will turn on. L.6) Press RECORD
when finished. (See "Inserting and Removing Cassettes" on page 11.) (7_C* indicator on)
Playing It Back
Press REW to _ @ Press PLAY to begin playback.
ind tape. / _- (1_ Indicator will come on.)
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\ \
@ Press STOP/EJECT to eject tape.
Turn ofITV, 3_ Press POWER to turn off VCR.
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Operating Notes
The CH3/CH4 channel switch on the back of the
VCR and the channel selector on )'our TV must be
set to the same channel in order to see the picture
from the VCR. Details are on page 13.
The VCR automaticallyturns on when a cassette is
The VCR automatically enters playback mode
when a cassette without a record-protect tab is
inserted. The VCR will eject a cassette without a
record-protect tab when the RECORD button is
pressed. Details are on page 26.
"<< appears in the displa 3 during rewind.