Setting Your "IV to the VCR Channel
The "VCR Channel" is the TV channel you use for
viewing v,hat the VCR is recording or pla)ing, and
for viewing the signal from the VCR tuner when it is
_ed. Your TV must be set to this channel, and the
indicator in the display must be on.
Selecting the VCR channel is normally a one-time
procedure, since there is little reason ever to change
it. Proceed as follows:
I. Decide whether you want to view your VCR on
Channel 3 or Channel 4 of the "I:V. If one of
these channels is vacant in your area. you should
use it. Otherwise. pick the channel you view less.
2. Set the channel switch (CH3/CH4) on the back
of the VCR to whichever channel you have
chosen, and then turn on your TV and tune it to
the same channel. This is the "VCR channel."
Using the TV VCR Button
1. Push the TV VCR button on the remote control
so the _ indicator is on. When the indicator
is on. the VCR is in the "VCR mode" and your
TV must be tuned to the VCR Channel (channel
3 or 4). Your TV will then display whatever tape
the VCR is playing or whatever channel the
VCR is tuned to.
2. Push the TV VCR button on the remote control
again so that the _ indicator is out. When
the indicator is out. the VCR is in the "TV
mode*" and your TV will work like it did before
you connected the VCR.
The TV VCR button on the remote control allows
you to record one program with the VCR while you
watch another program on ,your TV. To do this. I:irst
_ut the VCR in the "VCR mode" (_ indicator
on) and start recording the program. Then press the
TV VCR button to switch to the "'TV mode"
indicator outl and tune your TV to the other channel
yOU want to watch.
Note: Your VCR automatically switches to the "VCR
mode" _ indicator on) v,,hen you turn it on with
the POWER button, and when you start playing a
Simplified Installation Checklist
This simplified checklist will help you quickly
determine if you have completed all the basic
installation steps.
[ ] Make sure your VCR is connected properly as
explained on pages 4-10.
[ ] Press POWER to turn on VCR.
] Set NORM/CATV switch on the back of the
VCR to the NORM position if you have
connected a home antenna system. Set the
switch to the CATV position if you have
connected cable-TV system.
] Program active channels into VCR's scan list
(press AUTO PROG and wait about one
[ !
ERASE or ADD individual channels into scan
list as desired. (Detailed instructions: on
page 12.)
Select "VCR Channel".
First set the CH3/CH4 switch on the back of the
VCR to either channel 3 or 4 and then tune your
TV to the same channel. This is called the "VCR
[ ] Learn how to use the TV VCRbutton onthe
remote control.
• When you press the TV VCR button and the
indicator in the display turns on, the
VCRis in the "VCR mode" and your "IV must
be tuned to the VCR Channel(channel 3 or 4).
Then your TV u,;r_itldisplay,_hatever,, tape the
X.CR is ptaving or whatever channel the VCR
is tuned to.
• When the [_ indicator in the display is
out. the VCR is in the "TV mode" and your
TV will work like it did before you connected
the VCR.