In additionto thecameraitself•youwill needaCamera
AC PowerSuppl',(suchasRCAModelCPS03for use
'*ith RCAcameras).Plugthe cameracableinto the
pov.'ersupplyandthenconnectthe cablesfromthe
power supplyto tile VCR as shownbelow.The
• To start recording press RECORD on the VCR.
• Use the PAUSE button on the VCR to start and stop
recording. If you want to pause for more than three or
four minutes, stop the VCR by pressing STOP. When
you are ready to resume, press RECORD.
Audio Plug ! !1 Video Plug
_-_J_-J=_ _
J'_o;W -" ....
_,,/r ,¢o T,_
I ...................... •
Q Turn on TV and tune it to the _ Make sure _ indicator is lighted. _'_ Press RECORD
VCFI Channel (3 or 4 , Z If not, press the TV VCR button on the remote /_ (The _ indicator
/toturnon_indicetor. / _willlight.)
/ I /_ \
/ _o r7-_--'_7_1_ ,__7"*I /_ \
I _=_" '1 : L J t I'-_-/' I /' \ I' ' |
I ¢ I L I \ i I
I / II
.// I,// --\._
t/ I / / _J
! / / //
cessette with _ Press REW to rewind _Press TAPE SPEED to _Tune VCR to
record-protect tab intact, cassette if necessary, select desired tape speed, channel 91.
(The Cassette-in indicator ]he _ indicator
will light.) will light.
(See note below.)
Note: Selec' Channel 91 on the VCR whenever you want
to view or record signals from a device connected to the
AUDIO/VIDEO IN jacks on the back of the VCR.
Press CHANNEL T or • if Channel 91 has been added
to the Chann"l Memor',, or press 9 then 1 on the
remote cc,ntrol. The [_ indicator v,ill appear in the
display to let you know the VCR will record from its
AUDIO and VIDEO input jacks.