C. When you use these connections the A-B switch is
used to select either the converter output or the VCR
output. This arrangement will let you use your VCR
as a "remote-controlled converter box" when you are
(_ Disconnect Cable-TV from converter.
(_) Disconnect "IV from converter cable.
C) Connect Cable-"lW to input of splitter.
Converter Box
F,om II
System I Converter Cable @
Do NOI Otsconnecl
Olsoon ne¢l _¢om TV
not recording, as explained below the diagram.
Note: The VCR will not be able to record scrambled
channels with this hookup. To record scrambled
channels, use hookup D.
Connect splitter to convener.
(_ Connect splitter to VCR.
(_) Connect converter to A-B switch.
(_ Connect VCR to A-B switch.
(_) Connect A-B switch to "IV.
(_ Connected
Converlet Box
/ L_ ;.31 caD_es _L}
AH020" /
-'_ _,n Back of TV
From (_ _ _ _'_" "Optiona, aocessol'y available
Cable-Tv _/ AH004" from your RCA dealer.
System Cables
Use "A" Position of A-B Switch For.
• Viewing any cable-TV channel while you record some
other channel with the VCK.
• Viewing all scrambled channels.
• Viewing cable channels when the VCR is tumed off.
(Cable channels 2 through 13can also be viewed with the
VCR turned off and the A-B switch set to position "B.")
Use "B" Position of A-B Switch For.:.
• Playing a recording.
• Viewing a nonscrambled channel at the same time you
are recording it (channel selected with the VCK tuner).
Note: When you set the A-B switch to "B," tune your TV to
the same channel that you have selected on the back of your
VCR (3 or 4). This is called the "VCK channel" throughout
this manual.
D. Tr, s system requires two "converter boxes" from the converter boxes, both for recording and normal
your cable-TV company, and there may be an TV viewing.
additional charge. All channels must be selected with
(_) Disconnect Cable-TV from converter. (_ Connect splitter to each of the converters.@ Connect VCR to A-B switch.
(_) Disconnect TV from converter cable. (_) Connect one converter to A-B switch. (_) Connect A-B switch to TV.
(2) Connect Cable-TV to input of splitter. (_) Connect other converter to VCR.
Converler BOX I Or Jglnal AH02fl"
I Converler BO_ _ A-B Switch
System Convetler Cable @1 I L _*_P_'_ _
_*_ Do Not Disconnect ] kl_ Connected | v "i _"_ II I_
-- O ect FromTV ' /...... (_) _ _ '_._ i
Signal / / ) ]
_ / I L j]
I -o- ,ao,
Syslern Ii- II ........... from your RCA dealer.
Colorer tet BOx _
Use "A" Position of A-B Switch For.:. Use "B" Position of A-B Switch For.
• Viewing any cable-TV channel while you record some • Playing a recording.
other channel with the VCR. • Viewing any channel at the same time you are recording
• Viewing any cable-TV channel when your VCK is turned it. Select the channel with the converter that is connected
off. to the VCR, and tune the VCR to the output channel of
the converter (usually 3 or 4).
Note: When you set the A-B switch to "B,'" tune your T'V to the same channel that you have selected on the back of your
VCR (3 or 4). Tiffs is called the "VCR channel" throughout this manual.