Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Click on the Advanced button on the Interfaces > Mesh page to access advanced Mesh parameters. The parameters
on the Advanced Mesh Parameters page are preconfigured with default settings that optimize the type of network
identified in the Mesh Mobility parameter on the previous page. Proxim recommends changing these values only if you
have advanced knowledge of Mesh networking.
Mesh Link Parameters
To reset these parameters to their default settings, click the Default button.
NOTE: Changes to these parameters require a reboot in order to take effect.
• Maximum Active Mesh Links: Select a number between 1 and 32 to configure the number of Mesh links that can be
connected to a single Mesh portal or Mesh AP, as follows:
– Mesh Portal: This number represents the maximum downlinks to Mesh APs (up to 32).
– Mesh AP: This number includes one mandatory uplink to the Mesh Portal, with the remaining links (up to 6)
available for downlinks to Mesh APs. A mobile Mesh AP should be configured to 1 to allow only uplinks.
– Proxim recommends a maximum of 30-40 APs total per portal (whether connected directly to the Portal or to
another Mesh AP). See Mesh Network Configuration.
• Maximum Hops to Portal: Set the maximum number of hops (1 to 4) allowed to reach the Mesh portal.
• Hop Factor: This parameter specifies how much weight should be given to the number of hops (vs. RSSI and
Medium Occupancy) when determining the best path to the Mesh Portal. The range is 0 to 10. Set the value to a
higher number to give more weight to this factor; set this value to a lower number to give less weight to this factor.
Setting this value to a lower number is beneficial in applications where an AP roams because of signal strength.
• RSSI Factor: This parameter specifies how much weight should be given to RSSI level (vs. number of hops and
Medium Occupancy) when determining the best path to the Mesh Portal. The range is 0 to 10. Set the value to a
higher number to give more weight to this factor; set this value to a lower number to give less weight to this factor.
• Medium Occupancy Factor: This parameter specifies how much weight should be given to Medium Occupancy level
(vs. number of hops and RSSI) when determining the best path to the Mesh Portal. The Medium Occupancy level is
the amount of wireless traffic on the channel. The range is 0 to 10. Set the value to a higher number to give more
weight to this factor; set this value to a lower number to give less weight to this factor.
• Receive Signal Strength Cut-Off: This parameter specifies the minimum level of received signal strength needed for
the node to be considered a Mesh link. If the Receive Signal Strength at the node is below this level, it is not
considered a link. Set this value to a number between 0 and 26 (dB).
• Roaming Threshold: The Roaming Threshold is the point at which the AP roams or chooses another link. The
threshold number is the difference between two path costs; if the difference is larger than the roaming threshold, the
AP roams; if the difference is smaller than the roaming threshold, the AP maintains its connection with the current link.
The range is 1 to 100. In a static Mesh environment, set this parameter to a high value to avoid switching links too
frequently. In a mobile Mesh environment, set this parameter to a lower value (1 - 20) to allow optimal link
establishment. Note that this parameter has no effect in Mesh Portal mode.
Auto Switch Mode Parameters
Auto Switch Mode parameters may be configured only for a Mesh Portal. Auto Switch mode allows an AP configured as
a Mesh Portal to switch its mode to be a Mesh AP if it loses its uplink (Ethernet) connection. If the uplink connection is
regained, the AP will switch back to Mesh Portal mode.
NOTE: Depending on the Ethernet connection, if Auto Switch Mode is enabled, the displayed Current Mesh Mode may
be different from the mode that was actually configured.
NOTE: Changes to these parameters require a reboot in order to take effect.
• Enable Auto Switch Mesh Mode: When enabled, an AP configured as a Mesh Portal can dynamically switch to
functioning as a Mesh AP if it loses its uplink connection.