Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Figure 4-10 Operational Mode Screen (AP-4900M)
The Wireless-A interface operates in 802.11a mode on the AP-4000/4000M and in either 802.11a mode or 4.9 GHz
Public Safety mode on the AP-4900M. In 4.9 GHz Public Safety mode, you must also select a Channel Bandwidth.
This option is not configurable in the AP-4000/4000M. See Available Channels for a list of channels available with each
The Wireless-B interface can be configured to operate in the following modes:
• 802.11b only mode: The radio uses the 802.11b standard only.
• 802.11g only mode: The radio is optimized to communicate with 802.11g devices. This setting will provide the best
results if this radio interface will only communicate with 802.11g devices.
• 802.11b/g mode: This is the default mode. Use this mode if you want to support a mix of 802.11b and 802.11g
• 802.11g-wifi mode: The 802.11g-wifi mode has been defined for Wi-Fi testing purposes. It is not recommended for
use in your wireless network environment.
In general, you should use either 802.11g only mode (if you want to support 802.11g devices only) or 802.11b/g mode to
support a mix of 802.11b and 802.11g devices.