Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
You can configure and view the following parameters within the System Configuration screen:
• Name: The name assigned to the AP. See the Dynamic DNS Support and Access Point System Naming Convention
sections for rules on naming the AP.
• Country: The country in which the AP will be used. Note that some countries have two selectable options (one for
indoor use and one for outdoor use). Setting the country makes the AP automatically compliant with the rules of the
regulatory domain in which it is used by configuring the allowed frequency bands, channels, Dynamic Frequency
Selection status, Transmit Power Control status, and power levels. See Interfaces for more information about these
NOTE: You must reboot the AP in order for country selection to take effect.
NOTE: Country selection is available only on APs with model numbers ending in -WD. If country selection is available,
however, it must be set before any interface parameters can be configured.
• Location: The location where the AP is installed.
• GPS Longitude: The longitude at which the AP is installed. Enter the value in the format required by your network
management system. If using the ProximVision™ Network Management System (recommended), enter the value in
decimals (e.g., 78.4523).
• GPS Latitude: The latitude at which the AP is installed. Enter the value in the format required by your network
management system. If using the ProximVision™ Network Management System (recommended), enter the value in
decimals (e.g., 78.4523).
• GPS Altitude: The altitude at which the AP is installed. Enter the value in the format required by your network
management system. If using the ProximVision™ Network Management System (recommended), enter the value in
decimals (e.g., 78.4523).
• Contact Name: The name of the person responsible for the AP.
• Contact Email: The email address of the person responsible for the AP.
• Contact Phone: The telephone number of the person responsible for the AP.
• Object ID: This is a read-only field that displays the Access Point’s system object identification number; this
information is useful if you are managing the AP using SNMP.
• Ethernet MAC Address: This is a read-only field that displays the unique MAC (Media Access Control) address for
the Access Point’s Ethernet interface. The MAC address is assigned at the factory.
• Descriptor: This is a read-only field that reports the Access Point’s name, serial number, current image software
version, and current bootloader software version.
• Up Time: This is a read-only field that displays how long the Access Point has been running since its last reboot.