Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Other Network Settings
Set Communication Ports
[Device-Name]>set httpport <HTTP port number (default is 80)>
[Device-Name]>set telport <Telnet port number (default is 23)>
Configure Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS)
Enabling SSL and configuring a passphrase allows encrypted Secure Socket Layer communications to the AP through
the HTTPS interface.
[Device-Name]>set sslstatus <enable/disable>
The user must change the SSL passphrase when uploading a new certificate/private key pair, which will have a
corresponding passphrase.
[Device-Name]>set sslpassphrase <SSL certificate passphrase>
[Device-Name]>show http (to view all HTTP configuration information including SSL.)
Set Telnet Session Timeouts
[Device-Name]>set tellogintout <time in seconds between 1 and 300 (default is 30)>
[Device-Name]>set telsessiontout <time in seconds between 1 and 36000 (default is 900)>
Configure Serial Port Interface
NOTE: To avoid unexpected performance issues, leave Flow Control at the default setting (none) unless you are sure
what this setting should be.
[Device-Name]>set serbaudrate <2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600>
[Device-Name]>set serflowctrl <none, xonxoff>
[Device-Name]>show serial
Figure A-15 Result of “show serial” CLI Command
Configure Syslog
[Device-Name]>set syslogpriority <1–7 (default is 6)>
[Device-Name]>set syslogstatus <enable/disable>
[Device-Name]>set sysloghbstatus <enable/disable> (default is disable)
[Device-Name]>set sysloghbinterval <1–604800> (default is 900 seconds)
[Device-Name]>set sysloghosttbl <index> ipaddr <ipaddress> cmt <comment> status
Configure Intra BSS
[Device-Name]>set intrabssoptype <passthru (default)/block)>
8 or 10 = Wireless B only Wireless B only enabled
12 = Wireless A and Wireless B Wireless A and Wireless B enabled
13 or 15 = Enable all interfaces All management channels enabled