Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Parameter Tables
Storm Threshold Table
Intra BSS Subscriber Blocking
The following parameters control the Intra BSS traffic feature, which prevent wireless clients that are associated with the
same AP from communicating with each other:
Packet Forwarding Parameters
The following parameters control the Packet Forwarding feature, which redirects wireless traffic to a specific MAC
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
Storm Threshold Table Table N/A R stmthrestbl
Table Index Integer 1 = Ethernet
3 = Wireless
R index
Broadcast Threshold Integer 0 - 255 packets/sec
(default is 0)
RW bcast
Multicast Threshold Integer 0 - 255 packets/sec
(default is 0)
RW mcast
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
Intra BSS Traffic Group N/A R intrabss
Intra BSS Traffic
Integer passthru (default)
RW intrabssoptype
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
Packet Forwarding MAC
Group N/A R pktfwd
Packet Forwarding MAC
MacAddress User Defined RW pktfwdmacaddr
Packet Forwarding Status Integer enable
disable (default)
RW pktfwdstatus
Packet Forwarding
Interface Port
Integer 0 (any) (default)
1 (Ethernet)
2 (WDS 1)
3 (WDS 2)
4 (WDS 3)
5 (WDS 4)
6 (WDS 5)
7 (WDS 6)
RW pktfwdif