4.6.1 VLAN Membership
This function group individual ports into a small “Virtual” network of their own to be independent of the other ports. The
screen in Figure 4-7 appears.
Figure 4-7 VLAN Membership screen
The page includes the following items: table 4-6 description of the Add a VLAN.
• Item
Specify the VLAN Identifier for the new VLAN. (You can only enter data in this
field when you are creating a new VLAN.)
The range of the VLAN ID is (1 to 4094).
• Add
To add a new VLAN Group with the specify VLAN ID. Once the Add button be
pressed. The page will be redirect to have the VLAN member assign page.
• Modify
To modify an existence VLAN Group- adds new member ports or remove ports
from the selected VLAN Group.
• Delete
Delete the selected VLAN Group.
• Refresh
Refresh the VLAN Configuration screen
Table 4-6 Description of the Add a VLAN Add a VLAN Group
The PLANET Web-Smart switch supports up to 64 active VLAN groups and the range for the VLAN ID is 1-4094.
1. To add a VLAN group, filed in the VLAN ID (from 1-4094) and please press “Add” button, the new VLAN Setup
screen will pop out.
2. Checked the Member box to select the members for the VLAN group.
3. After setup completed, please press “Apply” to take affect.