114 Settings Options
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Replacement The edit control where the user types the characters to be assigned as the
replacement of the control character. Replacements for a control character are
assigned by selecting the appropriate character from the Character combo box,
typing the replacement in the Replacement edit control (according to the
formats defined above) and then selecting Assign. The assigned replacement is
then added to the list box above the Assign button.
List Box The list box shows all user-defined control characters and their assigned
replacements. All replacements are enclosed in single quotes to delimit white
space that has been assigned.
Delete This button is grayed unless an entry in the list box is highlighted. When an
entry (or entries) is highlighted, and Delete is selected, the highlighted material
is deleted from the list box.
Assigned Replacements for Block and Key Message Modes
The characters assigned to a control character by the user can be any printable ASCII characters,
hex-encoded values, or hat-encoded control characters or the action “Ignore (drop)”. Up to 19
characters can be assigned to replace the control character. The replacement is done on the
barcode data, as well as the prefix and suffix.
The data assigned to a control character for translation can be entered in the following formats:
Configuration data Translation Translated data
Ignore(drop) The control character is discarded
from the barcode data, prefix and
e.g. ESCape
Example configuration is ‘Ignore
0x1B in the barcode is
Printable text Text is substituted for Control
e.g. Start of TeXt
Example configuration is ‘STX’
0x02 in a barcode is converted
to the text ‘STX’.
Hat-encoded text The hat-encoded text is translated to
the equivalent hex value.
e.g. Carriage Return
Example configuration is ‘^M’
Value 0x0d in a barcode is
converted to the value 0x0d.
Escaped hat-encoded
The hat-encoding to pass thru to the
e.g. Horizontal Tab
Example configuration is ‘\^I’
Value 0x09 in a barcode is
converted to the text ‘^I’.
Hex-encoded text The hex-encoded text is translated to
the equivalent hex value.
e.g. Carriage Return
Example configuration is ‘0x0A’
Value 0x0D in a barcode is
converted to a value 0x0A.