Linksys SPA9x2 Administration Guide 186
Configuring a Dial Plan
For an office environment, the following plan requires a user to dial 8 as a prefix for local
calls and 9 as a prefix for long distance. In either case, an “outside line” tone is played after
the initial 8 or 9, and neither prefix is transmitted when initiating the call.
( <9,:> 1 xxx xxxxxxx | <8,:1212> xxxxxxx )
The following allows only placing international calls (011 call), with an arbitrary number of
digits past a required 5 digit minimum, and also allows calling an international call operator
(00). In addition, it lengthens the default short interdigit timeout to 4 seconds.
S:4, ( 00 | 011 xxxxx x. )
The following allows only US-style 1 + area-code + local-number, but disallows area codes
and local numbers starting with 0 or 1. It also allows 411, 911, and operator calls (0).
( 0 | [49]11 | 1 [2-9]xx [2-9]xxxxxx )
The following allows US-style long distance, but blocks 9xx area codes:
( 1 [2-8]xx [2-9]xxxxxx )
The following allows arbitrary long distance dialing, but explicitly blocks the 947 area code.
( 1 947 xxxxxxx ! | 1 xxx xxxxxxx )
The following implements a hot line phone, which automatically calls 1 212 5551234 after a
delay of 0 seconds.
( S0 <:12125551234> )
The following provides a warm line to a local office operator (1000) after five seconds, unless
a four-digit extension is dialed by the user.
( P5 <:1000> | xxxx )
Dial Plan Timers
The dial plan functionality is regulated by the following configurable parameters:
• Interdigit_Long_Timer (defaults to 10)
• Interdigit_Short_Timer (defaults to 3)
• Dial_Plan (1 and 2)
Interdigit Long Timer
The Interdigit_Long_Timer specifies the default maximum time (in seconds) allowed
between dialed digits, when no candidate digit sequence is as yet complete. (See the
discussion of the Dial_Plan parameters for an explanation of candidate digit sequences).
Interdigit Short Timer
The Interdigit_Short_Timer specifies the default maximum time (in seconds) allowed
between dialed digits, when at least one candidate digit sequence is complete as dialed.
(See the following discussion of Dial_Plan parameters for an explanation of candidate digit