Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft170
Ext Tab
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
Default Ring Type of ring heard. This corresponds to the Ring Tone on
the Phone tab. Choose from No Ring, 1 through 10, User
1, or User 2.
Defaults to 1.
Auth Page Realm Identifies the Realm part of the Auth that is accepted
when the Auth Page parameter is set to Yes. This
parameter accepts alphanumeric characters.
Defaults to blank.
Conference Bridge URL This is the URL used to join into a conference call,
generally in the form of the word “conference” or
Defaults to blank.
Auth Page Password Identifies the password used when the Auth Page
parameter is set to Yes. This parameter accepts
alphanumeric characters.
Defaults to blank.
Mailbox ID Identifies the voicemail box number/ID for the phone.
Defaults to blank.
Voice Mail Server Identifies the SpecVM server for the phone, generally the
IP address and port number of the VM server.
State Agent Reserved feature.
CFWD Notify Serv Specifies whether to enable a SIP-B feature regarding the
sending of a Notify to the phone when a call is
forwarded elsewhere.
Defaults to No.
CFWD Notifier Typically, this field is configured with the SIP proxy