Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft158
Phone Tab
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
Miscellaneous Line Key Settings
Line Key LED Pattern
SCA Line ID Mapping
Specifies the shared call appearance line ID mapping. Choose
Vertical First or Horizontal First. Each LED can hold two calls
and the first call on an LED makes it light up. Horizontal first
means the second call makes the same LED flash. Vertical first
means the second call lights up the next LED.
For example, if Extension 101 is assigned to two LEDs, and
Vertical First is selected, the second call on Extension 101
lights up the second LED. The third call makes the first LED
flash, and the fourth call makes the second LED flash.
If Horizontal First is selected, the second call on Extension 101
makes the first LED flash. The third call lights up the second
LED, and the fourth call makes the second LED flash.
SCA Barge-In Enable
Enables the SCA Barge-In.
Defaults to no.
Idle LED LED pattern during the Idle state, where the call
appearance is not is in use and is available to make a
new call. Leaving this entry blank indicates the default
value of c=g.
Remote Undefined LED LED pattern during the Remote Undefined state, where
the shared call state is undefined (the station is still
waiting for the state information from the application
server). Not applicable if the call appearance is not
shared. Leaving this entry blank indicates the default
value of c=r;p=d.
Local Seized LED LED pattern during the Local Seized state, where this
station has seized the call appearance to prepare for a
new outbound call. Leaving this entry blank indicates
the default value of c=r.
Remote Seized LED LED pattern during the Remote Seized state, where the
shared call appearance is seized by another station. Not
application if the call appearance is not shared. Leaving
this entry blank indicates the default value of c=r;p=d.